Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Cline Update

Wow…. Where has time gone? Seems like just yesterday we had to say goodbye to Josh again and soon after announced that I was pregnant….. now that’s been 5 months! I can’t believe it’s been that long! So as for all of you who needed a little “Cline update” here it goes!!!

This past month has been a VERY busy, exciting, nerve racking, but in other ways relaxing and fun month. We found out that that we’re expecting a BOY!!! Eli Matthew Cline will be here around December 7th sometime but he is CONSTANTLY reminding me that he’s there!!! He is growing so fast and is a very strong little guy (which my tummy can tell you by the growing pains it has and when he decides to stick his foot out the side of it)! At the last ultrasound they said he is overall 51% on the growth charts but 76% on length charts so his weight is average but his length is extra long, and he is looking very healthy and active. And for all that don’t know I’ll be having my TN baby shower in November (hopefully the 8th) and my WA shower when we come home sometime in January (dates aren’t set yet). We are registered at Babies-R-Us, Target and (for my TN friends) Walmart… and if you know me you can guess what colors his room is going to be…. Red, black, white and gray!!! J But trust me he’s going to be wearing all the blue and green we can find!!!

As for Emma, she started school this week…. (Yes they get out really early and start really early here)… she’s in the big SECOND grade!!! And on August 5th we went in front of a judge to finalize her adoption by Josh. She is now Emma Rose Cline and she is very excited! She also can’t wait to see her baby brother and each week she gets excited about his growth milestones. Last week she went around telling everyone that her brother was as long as her daddy’s size 12 shoe…. She’s very realistic so I’ve had to be creative in telling her what’s going on inside my belly! But other than that she’s getting big, growing up way too fast and is way too smart for her own good!! She also just got back from spending 2 ½ weeks with Bram and Papa (my parents) and had a blast getting spoiled to death!!! Everyone wonders why she didn’t want to come home, but I figured it out pretty quickly when she packed 2 suitcases and ½ of Papa’s suitcase just to bring all her new stuff home!!! She was also able to spend a couple days with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Jim (Josh’s parents) and I know she had fun down at their house as well!! She’s already been asking when she gets to go back!

On the other side of the world, Josh is hanging in there, but VERY ready to be home!! They are holding down the fort pretty well and haven’t lost very many guys this tour. One of Josh’s good friends and fellow medics died just before Josh was home on leave but he’s been the only medic that has lost his life this tour. We pray every day for all of our friends and fellow soldiers’ safety and wellbeing while they are in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are still unsure of a return date but just hoping and praying for sometime in November (or earlier) before Eli decides to join us!! Josh had a case of the “mid-tour blues”, but seems to be getting better as each day passes!! He still loves getting packages and letters. When those slow is when he decides that no one remembers him so if you have a few minutes to write or if you think of him just send him a card or email, they are much appreciated! (let me know if you need his contact info) For everyone who’s been sending him care packages, he is getting them… and they really do make his day when he gets them!! I know he probably the worlds second worst (behind me) of sending thank you’s but it really does put him in a better mood when he gets mail! But other than his little slump he’s been doing pretty well!! He’s VERY excited about not only being a daddy once in 2008 but twice! He wished he could have been here to go to court for the adoption but he’s just happy it’s all finished and he defiantly cannot wait to meet his son!!! Thanks for all your prayers and support for him over the past 10 months!

Annnnnddd now meeee!!! Haha… Well I’m here! I’m looking more and more pregnant every day and my pants are fitting less and less loosely every day!!! It’s been a pretty hot summer here (not quite as bad as last year) but I still love living here!!! I am NEVER bored and just about the time I think I might have some downtime someone calls and wants to hang out or I figured out I forgot something was going on at church or Emma comes up with something she wants to do!! I’ve been singing on the worship team at church, helping in the infant nursery one Sunday a month and also a big part of “Standing Strong” the military wives group at church which all keep me on the go a lot. I’ve been having a pretty hard time with my job lately and am keeping my eyes open for whatever’s up next (if ya’ll know anyone that’s hiring in this area let me know!! Haha!) But I’m hanging in there, just going day by day, can’t wait for my husband to be home and ready to meet this baby!!!

So I guess that’s it in the Cline world…… for now….. Hope all is well with everyone else and hope to hear from ya’ll soon!!!

Lots of love,
Josh, Kim, Emma and Eli

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

HAPPY 2008!!!!

Wow… I don't think it's just me but man I can't believe it's 2008!! Where did last year go?? But yeah here it is a long time coming, a new blog…..

2007 was probably the biggest "roller coaster" year of my life!! I've had some years that just seemed to be down hill from the start and some that were all up hill…… but most are pretty much just straight with very few ups and downs and twists and turns and sharp turns and yeah well you get the picture…… So my year in a nutshell:
1-1-07 I had just met a guy….. about 13 days earlier….. I had just met his family the day before and we were spending new years at their house…. Great people and I love them a ton……
A few days after that I had to say goodbye for the first time and send him on an airplane back to fort Campbell, ky.
2-17-07 We got engaged….. haha…. Omg…. On 405 …. Wow what a night… then we had to go tell my parents!! He was so scared….. I was too for that fact…. Not scared that they'd be mad b/c they really like him but that it wasn't long enough….
Then the first weekend in April (Easter weekend) Emma and I flew to Nashville, TN and I made probably the hardest decision in my life….. and Probably the hardest decision in Josh's life…. We decided to get married before he deployed and me to move here to TN and for us to be a family for a few months rather than wait a few years! So there began my 7 weeks of CRAZYNESS!!! I gave my notice to SASE Company….. which made me ball my eyes out…. And the wedding plans began….. at times it was so scary b/c of what happened the last time…. But I can without a shadow of a doubt say that I knew that I knew that I knew this was right and of God!!
Sooooo 5-26-07 Josh's 23rd birthday….. I said "I DO" in front of about 75 of our friends and family members….. We had such a blast…. It was so much fun!! But then once again we said goodbye…..
A few weeks later…. After Emma finished up her first year of school at Valley Christian and after all our belongings were packed….. I did something I NEVER in a million years thought I'd do….. I moved across the country away from everyone and every thing I've ever known…. Away from my mom and dad…….
6-15-07 moving day….. 52 ½ hours: Kim, Josh, Tulli, Moving truck….. energy drinks….. 2388.74 miles…. 2 omg neither one of us can drive another foot breaks…. And lots of gas station and rest stop breaks later…… we made it……. Clarksville, Tennessee!!! Woohhooo…..
So the next few months were CRAZY trying to get emma into school…. Josh working… Me finding a job…. I (Thank God) found one right away
7-5-07 I started working
Basically the month of July… Josh left for JRTC in LA which was a little taste of what deployment would be like…. The army wives have this saying "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong during deployment"….. I've learned this to be very true!
8-11-07 Emma started first grade at Hazelwood!
8-29-07 we signed the closing papers on our first house…. 1514 Autumn Drive…. What a wonderful blessing from God…. It was in the neighborhood we wanted to live in (for school purposes) it's a great neighborhood…. Close to both of our works and church and friends….. it's amazing!
And after a lot of unpacking….. a few parent visits….. a house warming party…. And a few minor adjustments …. We've made the house our home!! We love it… and it's a great house to decorate and call home!
During the next few months and weeks we did as much as a family and couple as we could in preparation for deployment…. As the days grew fewer and the date came closer that roller coaster that was at the top of the peak had to go down….. I cried a lot of nights….. I tried to figure out ways to get him not to go…. I begged and pleaded with him not to go but as life in the military goes…. He's gotta job to do and someones gotta do it!
10-12-07 the worst day this year….. saying goodbye to my best friend….. my new husband…. The other half of my heart got on an airplane and flew away…..
Over the next few weeks I cried myself to sleep at about 3am….. when I couldn't cry anymore….. I also made a few friends (mainly Janet and Brittany) that have made my life so much easier… so yeah…… here we are….. we've made it another year….
I thank God often for the new friends that I've made…. The old one's I've kept…. Or kept me for that matter…. And the new life I have! I've been blessed beyond words with my family, my husband, my house, my work, my church (and church family), and this place I'd never heard of before 2007 called Clarksville, TN! …. I am so thankful that God allowed Josh and I to file for his adoption of Emma this year (haven't heard anything but it's in the air), for God allowing us to be a family for the short time we were able to be together, for the internet….. I'm able to talk and see my husband almost every day even ½ way around the world!, for friends….. I couldn't do it without my friends! I love them all individually for who they are! Especially those who I can call at anytime just to cry (Janet and Brit! Lol) and for my baby girl…. To give me kisses and hugs and tell me it'll be okay!
So that's about all….. My hopes and prayers for 2008…..
- Josh to make it safely and be ready to come home in the start of 09' if not sooner
- Adoption to be finalized for Josh to LEGALLY be Emma's daddy
- To loose weight (comm'on that's a given!)
- For this year to go by fast!
- And one more.... that I can't post here... But if you're close then you know what this goal is!!
- And that I can be a blessing to my friends and family in whatever way God desires
I love ya'll …. Thanks for reading… . and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!