Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Cline Update

Wow…. Where has time gone? Seems like just yesterday we had to say goodbye to Josh again and soon after announced that I was pregnant….. now that’s been 5 months! I can’t believe it’s been that long! So as for all of you who needed a little “Cline update” here it goes!!!

This past month has been a VERY busy, exciting, nerve racking, but in other ways relaxing and fun month. We found out that that we’re expecting a BOY!!! Eli Matthew Cline will be here around December 7th sometime but he is CONSTANTLY reminding me that he’s there!!! He is growing so fast and is a very strong little guy (which my tummy can tell you by the growing pains it has and when he decides to stick his foot out the side of it)! At the last ultrasound they said he is overall 51% on the growth charts but 76% on length charts so his weight is average but his length is extra long, and he is looking very healthy and active. And for all that don’t know I’ll be having my TN baby shower in November (hopefully the 8th) and my WA shower when we come home sometime in January (dates aren’t set yet). We are registered at Babies-R-Us, Target and (for my TN friends) Walmart… and if you know me you can guess what colors his room is going to be…. Red, black, white and gray!!! J But trust me he’s going to be wearing all the blue and green we can find!!!

As for Emma, she started school this week…. (Yes they get out really early and start really early here)… she’s in the big SECOND grade!!! And on August 5th we went in front of a judge to finalize her adoption by Josh. She is now Emma Rose Cline and she is very excited! She also can’t wait to see her baby brother and each week she gets excited about his growth milestones. Last week she went around telling everyone that her brother was as long as her daddy’s size 12 shoe…. She’s very realistic so I’ve had to be creative in telling her what’s going on inside my belly! But other than that she’s getting big, growing up way too fast and is way too smart for her own good!! She also just got back from spending 2 ½ weeks with Bram and Papa (my parents) and had a blast getting spoiled to death!!! Everyone wonders why she didn’t want to come home, but I figured it out pretty quickly when she packed 2 suitcases and ½ of Papa’s suitcase just to bring all her new stuff home!!! She was also able to spend a couple days with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Jim (Josh’s parents) and I know she had fun down at their house as well!! She’s already been asking when she gets to go back!

On the other side of the world, Josh is hanging in there, but VERY ready to be home!! They are holding down the fort pretty well and haven’t lost very many guys this tour. One of Josh’s good friends and fellow medics died just before Josh was home on leave but he’s been the only medic that has lost his life this tour. We pray every day for all of our friends and fellow soldiers’ safety and wellbeing while they are in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are still unsure of a return date but just hoping and praying for sometime in November (or earlier) before Eli decides to join us!! Josh had a case of the “mid-tour blues”, but seems to be getting better as each day passes!! He still loves getting packages and letters. When those slow is when he decides that no one remembers him so if you have a few minutes to write or if you think of him just send him a card or email, they are much appreciated! (let me know if you need his contact info) For everyone who’s been sending him care packages, he is getting them… and they really do make his day when he gets them!! I know he probably the worlds second worst (behind me) of sending thank you’s but it really does put him in a better mood when he gets mail! But other than his little slump he’s been doing pretty well!! He’s VERY excited about not only being a daddy once in 2008 but twice! He wished he could have been here to go to court for the adoption but he’s just happy it’s all finished and he defiantly cannot wait to meet his son!!! Thanks for all your prayers and support for him over the past 10 months!

Annnnnddd now meeee!!! Haha… Well I’m here! I’m looking more and more pregnant every day and my pants are fitting less and less loosely every day!!! It’s been a pretty hot summer here (not quite as bad as last year) but I still love living here!!! I am NEVER bored and just about the time I think I might have some downtime someone calls and wants to hang out or I figured out I forgot something was going on at church or Emma comes up with something she wants to do!! I’ve been singing on the worship team at church, helping in the infant nursery one Sunday a month and also a big part of “Standing Strong” the military wives group at church which all keep me on the go a lot. I’ve been having a pretty hard time with my job lately and am keeping my eyes open for whatever’s up next (if ya’ll know anyone that’s hiring in this area let me know!! Haha!) But I’m hanging in there, just going day by day, can’t wait for my husband to be home and ready to meet this baby!!!

So I guess that’s it in the Cline world…… for now….. Hope all is well with everyone else and hope to hear from ya’ll soon!!!

Lots of love,
Josh, Kim, Emma and Eli

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

HAPPY 2008!!!!

Wow… I don't think it's just me but man I can't believe it's 2008!! Where did last year go?? But yeah here it is a long time coming, a new blog…..

2007 was probably the biggest "roller coaster" year of my life!! I've had some years that just seemed to be down hill from the start and some that were all up hill…… but most are pretty much just straight with very few ups and downs and twists and turns and sharp turns and yeah well you get the picture…… So my year in a nutshell:
1-1-07 I had just met a guy….. about 13 days earlier….. I had just met his family the day before and we were spending new years at their house…. Great people and I love them a ton……
A few days after that I had to say goodbye for the first time and send him on an airplane back to fort Campbell, ky.
2-17-07 We got engaged….. haha…. Omg…. On 405 …. Wow what a night… then we had to go tell my parents!! He was so scared….. I was too for that fact…. Not scared that they'd be mad b/c they really like him but that it wasn't long enough….
Then the first weekend in April (Easter weekend) Emma and I flew to Nashville, TN and I made probably the hardest decision in my life….. and Probably the hardest decision in Josh's life…. We decided to get married before he deployed and me to move here to TN and for us to be a family for a few months rather than wait a few years! So there began my 7 weeks of CRAZYNESS!!! I gave my notice to SASE Company….. which made me ball my eyes out…. And the wedding plans began….. at times it was so scary b/c of what happened the last time…. But I can without a shadow of a doubt say that I knew that I knew that I knew this was right and of God!!
Sooooo 5-26-07 Josh's 23rd birthday….. I said "I DO" in front of about 75 of our friends and family members….. We had such a blast…. It was so much fun!! But then once again we said goodbye…..
A few weeks later…. After Emma finished up her first year of school at Valley Christian and after all our belongings were packed….. I did something I NEVER in a million years thought I'd do….. I moved across the country away from everyone and every thing I've ever known…. Away from my mom and dad…….
6-15-07 moving day….. 52 ½ hours: Kim, Josh, Tulli, Moving truck….. energy drinks….. 2388.74 miles…. 2 omg neither one of us can drive another foot breaks…. And lots of gas station and rest stop breaks later…… we made it……. Clarksville, Tennessee!!! Woohhooo…..
So the next few months were CRAZY trying to get emma into school…. Josh working… Me finding a job…. I (Thank God) found one right away
7-5-07 I started working
Basically the month of July… Josh left for JRTC in LA which was a little taste of what deployment would be like…. The army wives have this saying "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong during deployment"….. I've learned this to be very true!
8-11-07 Emma started first grade at Hazelwood!
8-29-07 we signed the closing papers on our first house…. 1514 Autumn Drive…. What a wonderful blessing from God…. It was in the neighborhood we wanted to live in (for school purposes) it's a great neighborhood…. Close to both of our works and church and friends….. it's amazing!
And after a lot of unpacking….. a few parent visits….. a house warming party…. And a few minor adjustments …. We've made the house our home!! We love it… and it's a great house to decorate and call home!
During the next few months and weeks we did as much as a family and couple as we could in preparation for deployment…. As the days grew fewer and the date came closer that roller coaster that was at the top of the peak had to go down….. I cried a lot of nights….. I tried to figure out ways to get him not to go…. I begged and pleaded with him not to go but as life in the military goes…. He's gotta job to do and someones gotta do it!
10-12-07 the worst day this year….. saying goodbye to my best friend….. my new husband…. The other half of my heart got on an airplane and flew away…..
Over the next few weeks I cried myself to sleep at about 3am….. when I couldn't cry anymore….. I also made a few friends (mainly Janet and Brittany) that have made my life so much easier… so yeah…… here we are….. we've made it another year….
I thank God often for the new friends that I've made…. The old one's I've kept…. Or kept me for that matter…. And the new life I have! I've been blessed beyond words with my family, my husband, my house, my work, my church (and church family), and this place I'd never heard of before 2007 called Clarksville, TN! …. I am so thankful that God allowed Josh and I to file for his adoption of Emma this year (haven't heard anything but it's in the air), for God allowing us to be a family for the short time we were able to be together, for the internet….. I'm able to talk and see my husband almost every day even ½ way around the world!, for friends….. I couldn't do it without my friends! I love them all individually for who they are! Especially those who I can call at anytime just to cry (Janet and Brit! Lol) and for my baby girl…. To give me kisses and hugs and tell me it'll be okay!
So that's about all….. My hopes and prayers for 2008…..
- Josh to make it safely and be ready to come home in the start of 09' if not sooner
- Adoption to be finalized for Josh to LEGALLY be Emma's daddy
- To loose weight (comm'on that's a given!)
- For this year to go by fast!
- And one more.... that I can't post here... But if you're close then you know what this goal is!!
- And that I can be a blessing to my friends and family in whatever way God desires
I love ya'll …. Thanks for reading… . and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


(Josh in Iraq on his last depolyment)

So on this 6 year anniversary of the American public being attacked.... we remember all who lost their lives, families, mommy's, daddy's, children and friends! We also remember all of our soldiers who have gone to protect our freedoms! As the Cline family prepares for a 15+ month deployment we pray (and ask that you join us in prayer) for safety for our soldier and all of the men he will be with day in and day out! Protection is not only physical but also mental and emotional especially when you’re in Joshua’s position of being in the medical field with all the stuff he must deal with.

I remember sitting in my apartment in Federal Way, WA 6 years ago today. I sat in the rocking chair with my 4 month old little baby rocking her and crying all day long just watching the horror on TV. I thought about how she would have to grow up with a war and how I hoped she would never have to deal with this war first hand…… now look at us….. 6 years later…. Her daddy is being sent over to this war! But God’s hand of protection is on us and on all of our family! Josh will be surrounded 24-7 with God’s hand and with our prayers! K I’m going to cry now…. so we just want to say “Thank you” for all the American people who have given so that we can be free!

Joshua, Kim and Emma Rose

Monday, August 20, 2007

Off to school....

So now that we bought a house Emma is able to go to the school I had it on my heart for her to attend. So she started school on Monday, August 13th (actually missed 1/2 day b/c we didnt have closing papers yet) but yes they start school VERY early back here. But for those of you missing her.... here's a few of her.....

(these are the "Emma will you go get mommy's camara out of the car" ...... hum.... wonder what's taking so long....?!

and these are the .... oh here she is!!!!! Off to her first day at Hazelwood Elementary School! 1st Grade!!!!

I love and miss you all!!!
Emma Rose

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Home Sweet Home.....

So the last time I wrote we were praying and seeking God's direction on where we were to live and where we were to put Emma into school.....wellllllll God's got a funny way of making ME be patient and trusting!!!! So we were still about the 200 mark on the post housing waiting list (still are too) so we knew we couldn't get Emma started in school because we were too far down on the list for them to take her there. So we look at the school we are zoned for where we are living now...... it's REALLY not a good school! So I got it in my head that if I could just somehow get her into Hazelwood Elementary that it would be the best place for her. Soooooo on Thursday Aug 2nd my friend and real estate agent Laurel sent me a bunch of houses too look at the pictures and pick out which I wanted to look at.... So I had my top 2 picked out by Friday and we went and looked at them! 1st one..... no thanks!!! Pictures were nice but house was not!! haha! But the 2nd one was at 1522 Autumn Drive and I LOVED it!! But I knew I couldn't buy the first house I looked at and Josh wanted at least 3 to choose from when he got home from JRTC (pre deployment training)........ sooooo Saturday morning we hit the road for a day of house hunting in 100+ degree weather (aka NOT FUN!!!) So we looked at about 13 different homes some nice... some brand new... some not so nice.... some needed more work than I was willing or able to do by myself! So the LLLLASSSTTT house of the day in my pile of flyer's was what I think has turned out to be God's way of saying "be patient and I will provide"...... it is located at 1514 Autumn Drive.... just one house separated 1522 (my first choice up to this point) and 1514.... So all sweaty, hot, sticky, nasty, ready to go home and take a shower..... I walk in..... looks very similar yet very different.

but here it is!!! Nice front porch just enough for a little swing out there! And a very stylish little house.
when you walk through the front door you are in our living room. To the left is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. To the right is the kitchen (you can see the dinning area to the far right of this picture) and also the stairs are to the right.

and the stairs are leading up to a very nice HUGE bonus (aka play room) area and a floored attic space (which we're probably going to finish off and make another room)
This is the dinning area standing in the kitchen (living room is to the left now)
and this is from the line between the living and dinning room into the kitchen.
and the other side..... the door at the end is the laundry room, pantry and garage.
here are the stairs up to the bonus/play room and door at the top you can barely see the handle is the attic space.
annnnd here 's the bonus room..... (exciting huh?)
Sorry we don't have any pictures of the bedrooms yet but I'll be taking a lot soon and we'll let ya'll into our amazing new home soon!!!
But still pray for us that we can get this deal closed by the 31st and that everything will keep going VERY smoothly as it is right now.
Thanks for you prayers and love
Joshua, Kim and Emma Rose

Monday, July 16, 2007

sorry it's been awhile....

Weeeellll... lots has happened in the Cline household since I posted last (sorry we had some computer issues and some BUSYNESS issues) but anyways.... Josh had 10 days leave and we spent most of our waking and sleeping hours attached to each other.... on Monday July 2nd we had a BLAST going to the local water park (nothing like wild waves... haha...) it's got 2 water slides.... which Emma is about an inch too short for still :( but momma and daddy had a good time!! heehee!!
But on tuesday we putted around and did some odd ball stuff during the day and that night went to the City of Clarksville fireworks show..... it was nice.... got eaten a little and we were WAYYY too fried to be wearing jeans and attempting to sit on the ground!! haha.... Josh had white lines from where his waist line of his shorts to where short legs ended and everywhere else..... RED.... and me i was fried on the front of my thighs and on my shoulders...... but it's gone now thank goodness!!! but miss Emma... she just keeps getting browner and browner!!
Anyways..... the 4th we went to the Fort Campbell family day....

Daddy tried to teach Emma some tricks of the road....
But she's too cool for that..... just sit back and enjoy the ride!

They had people jumpin out of helicopters (josh's friend who is on the team actually announced that day but didn’t jump)

and lots of fireworks and fun!!
Hope everyone had a GREAT 4th of July!!
On July 5th I actually started a temp job w/ a company called Facility Services Management Inc. they do government contract work on military bases all over the country and in Iraq at one of the hospitals. The corporate office staff is made up of 4 women + me!! So I worked all day on the 5th and 6th while Josh and Emma ran around and got signed up for day camp and all that stuff! On 07-07-07 we went down to Nashville to Titan stadium to “The Call”….. it’s wasn’t really what we expected but we spent the day all together and tried to stay cool! (it’s an outdoor stadium and it was ohhhh 90ish?) Anyways Sunday was church and then we went back into Nashville to meet my 2nd cousins from Kansas City, Mo who were also in town for the call…. We had a great time chatting w/ Tim, Jan and Daniel (well Daniel didn’t say much but that’s okay!!) so Monday the 9th it was off to work for Josh and me and off to CYS (child and youth services) day camp for Emma…. And oh boy has she had a BLAST!!! They’ve gone on field trips almost daily….. to the water park, to the art museum, to the library to watch a magic show, to the roller dome (skating rink) and many more adventures! Well Tuesday was a day of packing up Josh’s bags and last minute treats from Wal-mart!! And Wednesday was the day of goodbyes…… We said goodbye in the morning…… at lunch…. And after work! Josh actually left at about 6pm for JRTC at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He will be there until August 2nd to the 5th some time so it’s been kinda hard being the first official time away from each other because of the army. Every one at church thinks I’m pretty strong for moving all the way out here…. Leaving my friends and family…. Trying to find a job and a place to live and my way around…….. annnndd then my husband leaves!! Haha…. But it’s not been too bad….. REALLY!! Lol… Well on Thursday Emma and I went to the growth group at church… Friday we had pizza and movie night (blockbusters been a good hang out!) Saturday we had girl time aka I got lost in Clarksville and drove in circles for about 90 minutes! Lol (sounds better than and hour and a half!) but we finally found the freeway and our way to the mall! So we went shopping a bit…. Got our nails done…. Annnnnddddd then came home and watched a movie! Josh finally called on Saturday night and we talked for about an hour until his buddies couldn’t cover anymore for him (it was also 1130pm) heehee…. Sunday was church and a little more shopping that I did get done on Saturday and then we got a call from some of our friends at church… it was really nice to just go over and hang out! Emma and the 2 youngest girls went in the swimming pool and had a blast!! Anyways today is Monday my OFFICIAL first day at FSI. It’s so nice to have a job and know that I’m going to be going back there tomorrow (with temp you never know). But we are just going to hang out this week….. There are a few prayer requests on our list right now that we’d love for ya’ll to pray with us still:
1- we are still 204 on the list for base housing and are now considering buying a house here in Clarksville. I actually found one I like but now we need to find out if we can qualify for a mortgage and get enough to buy the house.
2- Goes along w/ #1….. where to put Emma into school. I don’t want to move her in and out depending on where we go. The school zone (or what elementary school she has to go to if we live in the condo) isn’t TOO bad…. But their test scores aren’t GREAT and they’ve got about 300 more kids then the school down the road….. It’s the school that is in the neighborhood of the house I found…. But yeah…. Just guidance of what we need to do,
3- That we will stay busy and not be too lonely and bored without Josh around.
4- That Josh will stay sane down at JRTC. They weren’t allowed to bring game systems, computers, phones (even though everyone has one…. Lol), or any other “toys”. He’s working a lot and being unsure of exactly when he’ll be home is difficult.

And I think that’s about it right now. We thank you all for your prayer, thoughts, emails, and phone calls!

Anyways we miss ya’ll lots and love ya’ll too!!!! And I’ll try and do another posting sooner than this one came!!

Love lots
Kim and Emma Rose

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Moving Day(s).....

Well I know it's been 2 weeks since we pulled up ship and hit the road.... so here's some stories and pictures for ya'll to enjoy of our moving adventure! So we FINALLLY got the moving truck on Friday afternoon after a long day of saying goodbye to all my friends at work and we had a bunch of friends lined up to come help us pack up.... boy did we have a lot of work ahead of us....

Yes this little girl has WAAAYYY too much stuff!!! She had to help bring down all the "Emma size" boxes for her Papa to stuff up top!

Josh why are you just standing there looking at all the work..... get it done Mr!!!! I think maybe you should look to your older brother for help in how to unload a house.....

But as we know everyone did a great job.... from unloading boxes from the house to taking apart way to complicated desks to cookin a mighty good potluck dinner......

hey look... even Josh is working hard!! And my dad was once again crowned the master of moving truck loaders!! He did a better job than I could ever even THINK about doing to get all that "crap" into one little truck!!
But clearly he couldn't have done it without all of our expert "no... no... I think it should go that way" from Susan and I.... (Dean are you trying to fly off the ramp or what??)
Is this FINALLLY everything???? I dont think we even have room for this rope to tie it all in!!!! No.... No.... WAAAAIIITTTTT....
THERE'S OOONNNEEEE LAST THING..... you just can't forget your wedding pictures!!!
But.... But.... what about my kitchen??? What do you mean there's not enough room... how will i EVER become the next Rachel Ray????
"I told ya'll it would fit!!!"
And after a few tearful goodbyes...... Cuddlin on her boyfriend (Mr. Greg)....
she's off to show her monkey bar skills....... on Papa's truck bars!!
Yeahhhhhhhh we did it!!!
Hurry Josh close this thing before it all falls out!!!! haha
and it's bath time for this stinky dog before he gets in that big yellow truck with us!
Saturday morning.... Emma's trying to be sad that her mommy and daddy are hittin the road and she doesnt get to tag along.....
And there it is...... loaded.... ready to hit the road.....
And.... we're off!!!! Gooooodddddbyyyeeee WA here we come TN.....
On the road again..... Just cant wait to get on the road again.... (Thanks Raquel for the entertaining singing coffee mug!!) So Josh started out driving across the great state of WA...
And Mr. Tulli dog... well... he didn't seem to mind too much as long as the AC was hittin the floor life was grand in doggie world!
but it wasn't long before we spotted someone on the road that we knew..... we couldnt even make it to Ellensburg before they caught up with us!!! Mom, Dad and Emma headed off to Leavenworth to go camping with some friends so that Emma wouldnt be quite so upset about us being gone.
But at one of our first truck stops along the way Tulli said FORGET THIS I'M DRIVIN!!! haha!! But such a little puppy just couldnt handle this big ol' truck........ so we let Josh drive on ward!
So after a LOONNNGGG first day through Washington..... we find ourselves in Idaho...... nice place, but it was getting dark..... so it was my turn to drive and Josh's turn to sleep...... well atleast that was the plan he drives I sleep, I drive and he sleeps.... yeah except the first whole day I didnt sleep much but I did a pretty darn good job drivin most of the night!
So it's now Sunday in Montana...... nice place....... here are some pictures of what we saw......
okay that's enough...... pretty much the sum of Montana in one picture........
so on we drove........ and all of a sudden.... out of the middle of no where there was a bathroom..... yes a bathroom..... just goin down the road.....

so maybe by this time it was sleep deporvation......or maybe it was just one of the funniest things we'd seen in our whole trip!!! but we rolled with laughter for a good while seein the oversized load bathroom out in the middle of no where!!
so enough about Montana.... it's off to Wyoming..... We weren't there for long before we saw the deer and the buffalo roam..... haha... but we weren't there but just a couple of day light hours.... so it was Josh's turn to drive again.... and soon I learned what "RAIN" is..... b/c if you're from WA like me "the rainy state"just a clue into the real world....... it does NOT rain in Washington....... now in the mid-west..... this is what you call RAIN!!!
Okay I know this isn't a wonderful picture but this was our 2nd funny thing we saw on our drive.... so this is why we think they made it law that truckers have to stop every like 8 hours....
so this guy is up on all of his side wheels on one of those concrete barriers in the middle of a packed out rest area...... please note the "Do Not Enter" sign at the back corner of his truck..... hum... yeah dont think he needs to be on the road!!!!
So..... as you can see South Dakota was about the same as the last 3 states.... farm land.... and nothing REALLLLY exciting........ I think I slept most of this state anyways!! heehee!
OHHHH WAIT..... (sorry very blurry picture but Josh wouldn't stop b/c he thought I was crazy for wanting to see this place)..... SD does have the Corn Palace...... This building is completely covered w/ corn.... they make huge pictures and stuff and it's really cool... if you want better look go to anyways there is a show about it on the discovery channel that I watched like 2 or 3 months ago.... then driving down the freeway saw the signs and I said "OH JOOOSSSHHH that place looked REALLY cool" but yeah he wasnt impressed...... so on we drove!! haha!
So on to a night in Iowa...... hum..... I was driving..... but I think I was on my 3rd energy drink by now and was still trying to stay awake!!
So on to Missouri....... and I think this is about where we both looked at each other and said.....sorry I cant drive anymore.... and pulled over for 1 1/2 nap.... and on we go again!
too bad it was kinda a crummy day or I would have taken Josh up into the arch.... It's pretty cool! Nothing like the Space Needle either! but on we drove...
Illinois was next just on the other side of this bridge but we must have not gone into the state on a main throughway because there was no sign "Welcome to the wonderful state of Illinois".... oh well!
OH MY OH MY WE'RE ALMOST THERE...... okay well like 5 more hours... but almost!! yippy!
so.... this is it... home sweet home....for now at least! This is the condo we are renting while we slowly but surely plug along on the base housing waiting list!!